You are our principal partners and we are always delighted to work with you. Things are always simpler among professionals. We often provide key items for your projects and we know how important they are for you. You like to work with us for our ideas, our irreproachable work and our capacity to adapt our work to your prestigious clients.
We like very much to work with hotels. It is a world that we have known well for a long time now. The greatest palaces of the world have trusted us because we know how to adapt our work to the specific needs of this demanding profession.
It is not easy to find exceptional office furniture, which without doubt is why so many enterprises call on "Manufacture de Luxe" for luxury pieces to reflect the image of the enterprise. Desks, tables for meetings, tables for consulting, decorative ensembles... the most original solutions are at "Manufacture de Luxe".
"Manufacture de Luxe" places its savoir faire in design and its unparalleled creativity at the service of your products. "Manufacture de Luxe" reconsiders your product in all its facets (market position, ergonomics, aesthetics...) and confers upon it the desired value added. Simple "dressing" or creation ab initio, "limited series " or special single product, "Manufacture de Luxe" creates the difference. "Manufacture de Luxe" naturally intervenes in the furniture sector, but also contributes in the most various areas (jewellery lines, telephones...) either through total de-branding, with the greatest confidentiality, or by placing the brand "by Manufacture de Luxe" at your disposal.
The press service of "Manufacture de Luxe" has available a press kit and photos of our products. Don’t hesitate to contact us: your calls are always welcome.